Video: 19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
Here are some videos of 19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) which was held on 29 May 2011 at Queenborough Community College, New York, U.S.A. Myanmar Popular singers; Song Oo Hlaing, Si Thu Lwin, Alex, He Lay and Shin Pone performed for this Black Dress Party New York Concert together with Plus Three Band. This 19:18 US Tour was organized by Boston Myanmar Group (BMG).
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
Videos from Mohningha's Youtube Channel.
Thank to BMG Entertainment Group for Videos.
ေမလ (၂၉) ရက္ေန႔က New York မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ 19:18 ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲ ဗီဒီယို
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
19:18 New York Tour (Black Dress Party) Concert
Videos from Mohningha's Youtube Channel.
Thank to BMG Entertainment Group for Videos.