Exclusive Video: L Seng Zi's One Lady Show, Yangon 2010

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Myanmar popular pop singer, L Seng Zi's One Lady Music Concert was held last Saturday Evening (19 June 2010) at National Theater, Myo Ma Kyaung Street, Yangon. Hundreds of L Seng Zi's Fans fulled the Theater. Zaw Paing, R Zarni, L Lwan War, Naw Naww, Phyo Gyi, Ye Lay, Rebecca Win, N Kai Yar, Jenny and many others singers performed together with L Seng Zi on that day. This is the first one lady show of L Seng Zi.
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  1. ၿမန္မာၿပည္မွာ..ဖင္ၿပနုိင္မွ နာမည္ၾကီးမည္...
    ၿပနူိင္သူေတြ ၿပၾကပါ ၿပၾကပါ..

  2. ၀တုတ္ၾကီးဆုိေပမဲ. ေကာင္းမွာပါ ေစာက္ဖုတ္ကေတာ. ေဖာင္းေနမွာပဲ

  3. l.sai zi ေတာ္ေတာ္ပိန္သြားသေနာ္...

  4. what the fuck u guys are talking abt ??
    be positive lol..
    don't show you guys standard !!!

  5. Look like pregnant lady and crazy lol
    like "padasari"



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