Video: Pyay Ti Oo + Eaindra's Wedding on 16 Jan @ Sedona Hotel
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This is the Video of Pyay Ti Oo and Eaindra Kyaw Zin's Binding the hands of the Bride and Groom, Wedding Ceremony which was held on 16 January 2011 at Sedona Hotel, Yangon. Pyay Ti Oo and Eaindra Kyaw Zin wore white Myanmar Traditional Wedding Dresses. Photo-Journalists were not allowed to enter into the Main Ceremony Hall. Mayor Aung Thein Linn and his wife, General Kyaw San and his wife attended to the wedding ceremony of two famous celebrities.
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there's no part-2 for this? I wanna see why Eindra Kyaw Zin's video license has been closed for 6 month because of this Ceremony. It's just အျမင္ကပ္ပုဒ္မ..Why they couldn't let other General do it?