Video: Wine Su Khine Thein and Actor Hein Wai Yan's Affair

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Here is the Audio File of the Argument between Popular Singer Wyne Su Khine Thein and Actor Hein Wai Yan's Daddy which was spreaded on Internet last two or three days. This audio file was recorded from phone conversation between Wyne Su Khine Thein and Hein Wai Yan's Father after Hein Wai Yan eloped with Wyne Su Khine Thein.

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  1. the parents shouldn't get involved because not them who have to get married and live rest of the lives together. Let them signed the marriage certificate let them walk their own lives. The father is acting like a asshole and hein wai yan is biggest pussy, and he is not a man.

  2. omg! exciting!! interesting!! i want to hear what hein wai yan will speak up! ေယာက္်ားပဲ လုပ္ရဲရင္ ခံရဲ ရမွာ ေပါ့။ ရွိ၇င္ တင္ေပး ပါအံုး admin. thank u so much par

  3. bal lo lu twal lar thu myar tha the mee ko ?

  4. What kind of man run away with a woman but did not want to take a responsible of being a Husband? This man is really sick and his value is less than a Maggot and so is his parent. These are very sick people. Nothing is Permanent so is your fame , fortune and life. How could you be a Buddhist if you are not man enough to take a responsible in this matter?

  5. what kind of Father he is? if I were Wine Su, I'll kill all the family of them. Girls..... pls.. don't Believe those kind of people!! Value your Dignity!!!

  6. I dont like wine su bed girl .

  7. ဟိန္းေဝယံ က စိတ္ပ်က္စရာေကာင္းတဲ့ မင္းသားတစ္ေယာက္ပဲ...
    ဘယ္လိုမွခံစားလို႔ မရတဲ့ၾကားထဲ ငါ့ ဝိုင္းစု ေလးကို ဒီလိုဆိုေတာ့...
    ဟိန္ေဝယံ ေရာ သူ႕အေဖ ေရာ ...ီး ပဲကြာ...

  8. I m not sure whether wynne su is a gd gal or a bad gal.. and also no idea that gal is really wynne su.. Anyway this guy and his father are really INHUMAN.. 1.never keep the promise, 2. not even worth to be human..
    Last but not least Girls watch out these kind of guys.. on top of the value urself.. dun let down your value.. You are the one who really make how value u r..

  9. Hi Love..... Wine Su is bed girl or bad girl ??? :) lol

    love said...

    I dont like wine su bed girl .
    January 8, 2011 6:41 PM

  10. Win Su Khine Thein - men eater, how could you try to bait Yein Wai Yan, how about the other guys - you dated and lived together, poor guy Yein Wai Yan...thanks God, he escaped from you...

  11. That is not fair for her! The father is talking all those nonsense. The affair is between his son and her. He should let the kids settle their problem. It looks like Hein Wai Yan is cowardice. If it is so, you should be happy Wine Su because if you married him, you will be spending the rest of your life with him and he is very indecisive and immature. I believe you are lucky!

  12. Koe pyae pee b pal accept lote lite phoet kaung par tal.....why his father involve between them ?
    wine suu khine thein ko tot a yan kyite tal ... nha mhyaw tal....

  13. ဝိုင္းစုေရမင္းေတာ႔သြားၿပီအခုမွဘဲ႔အားလံုးေပၚလာေတာ႔တယ္

  14. ဘယ္သူပဲ မွားမွား မွန္မွန္..
    ဒီအသက္အရြယ္မွာ ဒီေလာက္စိတ္ကို ထိန္းၿပီး (စိတ္ဆိုးေနတဲ႔ အခ်ိန္မွာ)
    စကားေၿပာႏိုင္ခဲ႔တဲ႔ ၀ိုင္းဆု ကိုေလးစားပါတယ္.
    ေအာင္ၿမင္မွဴ႔ေတြ အဓြန္႔ရွည္ၾကာပါေစ..

  15. dun give up wynn su.....flighting flighting ...always ur side ...:PP

  16. wine su you are great girl we will proud for u. yein wain yan your father is fucking stupid.

  17. ဟိန္းေ၀ယံက ေရာင္းကုန္ပစ္စီး ဟီးဟီး.....သူ႔အေဖကလည္း အေရာင္းအ၀ယ္လုပ္ တာမဟုတ္ဘူးပဲေျပာေနတယ္....sis ၀ိုင္းစု we r always with you...အားေပးေနတဲ့...ပရိတ္သတ္

  18. အခုေတာ့ရွင္းသြားျပီ.ယံုခ်င္တယ္ သီခ်င္းကဟိန္းေ၀ယံအတြက္ထင္တယ္။NIne Nine သရုပ္ေဆာင္တဲ့ character ကဟိန္းေ၀ယံ။။။

  19. Myanmar Culture has been changed. I am happy to know that. Woman also has a right to elope man. Virginity is not important factor for marriage. But in this case Wine Su is leading Hain Wai Yan and I support more open culture of Myanmar woman.

  20. the two are stupid guys.they donot takecare of their way

  21. ကဲကဲ လူလယ္ေကာင္မွ မခံခ်င္ရင္ မလုပ္ဖုိ႔ သတိေပးထားမယ္ေနာ္....


    ဟိန္းေ၀ယံရဲ ့ ၀က္ဆိုဒ္မွာ သြားေရာက္ဆံုးမၾကပါဗ်ိဳ ့

  23. ရွုပ္ေထြးလိုက္တာေနာ္ အႏုပညာေလာကဆိုတာဖာႏိုင္ငံအၾကိးစားၾကီးပဲ

  24. hein wai yan's dad is a piece of shit

  25. forget about it! that's 3 years ago story

  26. ေကာင္းတဲ့မိန္းကေလးပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ မေကာင္းတဲ့မိန္းကေလးပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ ခိုးေျပးၿပီးမွ တာ၀န္ယူရမွာေပါ့ကြ. ဒီ့ေကာင့္အေဖကလည္း မိန္းမေကာင္းနဲ႔ရထားတာမဟုတ္လို႔ ေၾကာက္ေနလားမွမသိတာ။ ျမန္မာဆို ျမန္မာလိုက်င့္ေပါ့။

  27. wine su is right.Hein wai yan is wrong.hein wai yan dad is crazy.

  28. I think you are correct Wai .You are so nice Wai.

  29. Some people are just ridiculous and funny. They wanted desperately to backstabb someone yet they don't even know how to spell the word correctly and again, keep repeating the same mistakes. Come on, what century are we in right now? Would u be satisfied if same thing happened to u and u gotta fight for your dignity and morale. Just because things are getting quite complicated in the celebrity world which is literally the same world that we are living in, u can't just refer it as "A Slutry World" because it's just usual affair we are hearing every single day! Have some respect, and control yourself on whatever u are saying and gonna say. Same old stories are among us, why would you blame anyone? If you don't even know someone indeed, don't just judge anyone with the rumours spreading out loud. Just stay outside, it's so embarassing to see people fighting each other for someone's private affair. Don't be foolish, have some conscience. It's disgusting to see people fighting on every debatable topics especially when some moron put up some vulgarities in public forums. Shame on YOU!

  30. ေကာင္းတယ္..အမ်ိဳးသမီးေရးရာကို တိုင္းေတာ့.. ၀ိုင္းစုေရ...
    ဒီေလာက္ေတာင္ျဖစ္စရာလား.. သားေမြးထားၿပီး... ေပးရမွာ ႏွေျမာေနေသးတယ္.. မိုက္ရိုင္းတဲ့ ေခြးေကာင္းရီ... အသံကေတာ့ လူႀကီးလူေကာင္းအသံနဲ႔ မ်က္ႏွာကိုက စိတ္နဲ႔လိုက္တယ္.. ဟြန္း...

    ၀ိုင္းစု .. လုပ္မယ္ဆိုတကယ္ထိေအာင္သာလုပ္... ေတာ္ပီး ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ ကားေတြမၾကည့္ေတာ့ဘူး.. မုန္းတယ္..

  31. ၿဖစ္မွ ၿဖစ္ရေလ ၀ိုုင္းစုုခိုုင္သိန္း ရယ္..
    လင္ဖမ္းတဲ့ အကြက္ၾကီး က သိသာလြန္းတယ္..
    ကိုုယ္ကိုုတိုုင္လဲ အပ်ိဳ အစစ္မဟုုတ္ေတာ့ဘဲနဲ႔..
    ရြံဖိုု႔ေတာင္ ေကာင္းတယ္..
    ၿပီးေတာ့ ကိုုယ့္ေယာကၡထီးကုုိ ေၿပာတဲ့ ပံုုစံကလဲရိုုင္းလုုိက္တာ..
    မိေကာင္းဖခင္သားသမီး မပီသဘူး..
    ကိုုယ့္ အကိုုေတြ၊ ေမာင္ေတြကိုု အဲ့လိုုလုုပ္ရင္ခံမလား..
    သားေမြးမိရင္ အဲ့လိုု မိန္းမမ်ိဳးနဲ႔ မေပးစားဘူး..

    1. Eal di lo pyaw loee ma ya boo lay...........di kate sa mar hein wai yan mar tar.........hein wai yan ka a chout kyeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,,,,,,hein wai yan ko kyite tae tu ka nga pow

  32. ေဟးေယာင္ ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ... ငါကြား
    ေခြးေကာင္ ေယာကၤ်ားမစစ္တဲ့ေကာင္
    မင္းမွာ လီး ေကားရွိရဲ့လား မရွိရင္လည္း အေခ်ာက္လုပ္စားပါလား ေရွာက္သီးေဆးပ်ားလုိက္ေရာင္းရွား
    ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ မင္းအေခ်ာက္ျကီး ဟဟဟဟဟဟဟဟဟ

  33. i want to kill hein yai yan

    u need to remind

    fucking 6


  34. no mad မိုက္၇ုိင္းလိုက္တာ။နင္ကကိုယ္ခ်င္းစာတ၇ားမ၇ွိတ႔ဲသူပဲ။

  35. မဝိုင္းစုေ၇အိမ္ေထာင္မျပဳခင္ေတာင္စိတ္ညစ္၇တာ။ဒီလိုမိသားစုန႔ဲမဆက္ဆၤန႔ဲေတာ႔။မေကာင္းတ႔ဲမိသားစုန႔ဲေ၇၇ွည္ဆက္ဆၤ၇င္စိတ္ပိုညစ္၇မယ္။အားမငယ္န႔ဲ။ေအာင္ျမင္မႈ၇ွိေအာင္ပဲျကိုးစားေနာ္။

  36. ကိုဟိန္းေဝယၤေ၇ေနာက္တေယာက္ကိုလည္းဒီလိုအမွားမ်ိုုုဳးမမွားမိေစန႔ဲေတာ႔ေနာ္။ဘဝဆိုတာတိုတိုေလး။

  37. @ma:
    ကိုုယ္ခ်င္းစာစိတ္မရွိတာမဟုုတ္ဘူးဗ်.. အမဘာသာ ေသခ်ာနားေထာင္ၾကည့္..
    စကားေၿပာတာကလဲ အရမ္းရိုုင္းတယ္..
    အမမွာ သားေမြးထားတယ္ဆိုုပါေတာ့.. အဲ့သားက အိမ္ေပၚကေန အ၀တ္တစ္ထည္ ကိုုယ္တစ္ခုုနဲ႔ ဆင္းသြားတယ္.. ၿပန္လာေတာ့ မိန္းမတစ္ေယာက္ အိက်ီ ၀တ္လာတယ္.. ဘယ္သူနဲ႔လဲ ဆိုုၿပီး လုုိက္ၾကည့္ေတာ့ မေကာင္းတဲ့ မိန္မတစ္ေယာက္နဲ႔ ညသြားအိပ္တာတဲ့.. အကုုန္လံုုးလဲ သိတာပဲ.. ဒီေစာ္ၾကီးဘာလုုပ္စားလဲဆိုုတာ.. ကဲ.. ၿပီးေတာ့ အဲ့ေစာ္ကဖုုန္းဆက္ၿပီးေတာ့ သူက အခုုလိုု႔ေၿပာမယ္ဆိုု ဘယ္လိုုေနမလဲ.. စဥ္းစားၾကည့္ေပါ့ဗ်ာ. အခုုဟာ က မင္းသမီးဆိုုတဲ့ ဂုုဏ္ခံေနတာကိုုး.. ကိုုယ္ခ်င္းစာၾကည့္က်ေပါ့ဗ်ာ..လင္ဖမ္းတဲ့အကြက္ကသိသာလြန္းပါတယ္..

  38. What the hell of fucking things between mother fucker and fucking bitch?
    Shame on you..Shame on you...
    Nothing was important point in there.
    Better's shut the hell of fucking tales up.

  39. အေခ်ာက္ၾကီး ဟိန္ေဝယံ ...သတိထာ မိန္မေတြ ခံရမယ္..

  40. Nomad ဆိုတဲ့ ေဆာက္ရူး နင့္ညီမ တစ္ေယာက္ကို ဟိန္းေ၀ယံဆိုတဲ့ မိန္းမလို မိန္းမရ ေကာင္က ခုလို ပင့္သြားျပီး ... လူစိတ္မရွိတဲ့ မိန္းမလို မိန္းမရ ပါးစပ္နဲ ့ သူ ့အေဖ က ခုလိုေျဗာင္လိမ္ေျဗာင္စားလုပ္ေနရင္ .. နင္ခုလိုေျပာဦးမလား ခၽီးကၽဴးႏိုင္မလား....ေသခၽာစဥ္းစားပါ။ နင္ထမင္းစားရင္ လူလို ေတြးတတ္ရတယ္ဟဲ့ ... လူ ့ပတ္၀န္းက်င္မွာေနရင္ လူ ့သိကၡာ ဆိုတာရွိရတယ္ ... ႏွမခ်င္းမစာနာ ေဆာက္ရူးစကား မေျပာနဲ ့ ... နင္ ထပ္ျပီး ေဆာက္ရည္ ေဆာက္ဖတ္မရ စကားေျပာေနမယ္ဆိုရင္ ... ဟိန္းေ၀ယံသားအဖလို ပဲ ထမီ၀တ္ျပီး ေျဗာင္လိမ္ေျဗာင္စားဆက္လုပ္ေတာ့နားလည္လား ..အရိုုင္းမခံခ်င္ရင္ လုပ္စားတာမခံခ်င္ရင္ အစထည္းကသြားေျခေဆာ့လက္ေဆာ့မလုပ္နဲ႔ေလ။ ကိုယ့္သားက အဲလိုကေညာ့ခၽင္ေတာင္ မိဘက ဆိုဆုံးမရမယ္။ ငါကနင္ ့ထက္မိဘခ်င္းကိုုယ္ခ်င္းစာတတ္တယ္နားလည္လား ငါေမြးထားတာသားေတြခၽည္းပ ဲ။ ေအး ငါ့အကိုုေတြ၊ ေမာင္ေတြ သားေတြကိုု အစထည္းက သြားေျခေဆာ့လက္ေဆာ့မလုပ္ေအာင္ဆုံးမထားတယ္ဟဲ့။
    အဆင္ ့အတန္းရွိေအာင္သင္ထားတယ္ဟဲ့။ တာ၀န္မယူရဲတာ လူမဆန္တာပါ...လုပ္ရဲရင္ တာ၀န္ယူရဲရတယ္။ အဲ့ဒါမွ..နားမလည္ေသးဘူး..အဲ့သားအဖ..မွန္ေၾကာင္းေတာ္ေၾကာင္းေထာက္ခံေနေသးရင္..ရွင္းမၿပနဲ႔ေတာ့..ေမာမယ္..လူစကားမွ..ေကာင္းေကာင္းနားမလည္တာ.
    အဲ့သားအဖနဲ႔အတူတူ..ေခြးဇတ္သာခင္း ….ေခြးလိပ္ မ်ိဳးေတြေလ..သူမ်ားသားသမီး ကိုု ေသခၽာမသိပဲလုပ္စားတယ္ဆို နင့္ညီမ နင့္သမီးက်မွဘယ္ေကာင္ဖြင့္မွန္းေတာင္မသိျဖစ္ေနမယ္ သတိထားဦး နင္မသိ ေအာင္လုပ္စား ေနဦးမယ္။

  41. ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ မင္းကဘာလဲကြာ ငါမင္းကို အထင္ၾကီးခဲတာမွားသြားၿပီ

  42. မင္းကေစာက္ရူးဘဲ

  43. အဟမ္း..ဟာကြာ ငါတို႔နဲ႔ေတာ႔မဆိုင္ပါဘူးမေၿပာခ်င္ေတာ႔ပါဘူးကြာ မင္းအေဖကမင္းကိုဘာေတြမာန္တက္ေနတာလဲမင္းကကိုယ္လုပ္ထားၿပီးတာ၀န္မယူႏိူင္တာကေတာ႔မင္းေယာက်္ားမဟုတ္ဘူးလား'ဒါကမင္းမၿပတ္သားလို႔ၿဖစ္တာသူကခိုးေၿပးတယ္ဆိုရေအာင္မင္းကဒုကၡိတလားမၿဖစ္ႏိူင္တာေတြမေၿပာနဲ႔တာ၀န္မယူခ်င္တိုင္းအေၿခာက္စကားေတြမေၿပာနဲ႔

  44. ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ .... မေကာင္းတဲ့ မိန္းမေတာင္မွ လုပ္ခ်င္ရင္ ထိုက္သင့္တဲ့
    အဖိုးအခေတာ့ ေပးရတာပဲ .... ကိုယ့္ဟာကိုယ္ သရမ္းၿပီးေတာ့ တာ၀န္ယူေလကြာ .... မယူနိုင္ဘူးဆိုရင္လည္း ၿဖတ္ထားလိုက္ ....ဒါမွမဟုတ္ မၿဖတ္ခ်င္ဘူးဆိုလည္း ပိုက္ဆံေပးလို႔ရတဲ့ေနရာသြားေပါ့...

  45. This is a classic case where parents do not agree with their future in laws!!!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. what the fuck hein wai yan's he not man he gay !damn if he not do anything for her nobody go na like him anymore hahahha !! if he won't he gay hahahhaah!!

  48. ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ နဲ႔ သူ႔အေဖ ကို ျခံခတ္ျပီး ဒန္ခြက္နဲ႔ လန္ထြက္ေနေအာင္ ၀ိုင္းသမရင္ အင္း....သူတို႔ကို ထမီတစ္ထည္ စီ ၀ယ္ေပးလိုက္ၾကရေအာင္...ျပီးရင္ ဖင္ခံခိုင္းမယ္္.....

  49. ကုိယ္တို စိတ္မေကာင္းပါဘုူး ေရွးဆက္အဆင္ေၿပပါေစ လုူငယ္နုစ္ေယာက္ထိတ္တိုက္ ရွင္းေပးေစခ်င္ပါတယ္ ဘာပဲၿဖစ္ၿဖစ္ အဆင္ေၿပေစခ်င္ပါတယ္

  50. ဟိန္းေ၀ယံ ရဲ့အေဖ ေပရွည္တယ္ ခင္ဗ်ာ ထိတိုက္ေတြ့ ေပးေစခ်င္တယ္

  51. Everything was becoz of u fucked her. Is it nice, huh? Now u r fucking insane, snowflake. fuck ur parents.Fuck ur Future laws.And let s Get the fucking rid off them.Do! just Do as i say if u r not a fucking Gay.
    From my point of view, I big fuck u to Hein wai yun & his old Dog.

  52. လီးလုိဘဲ..comment ဖတ္၇တာ

  53. wine su ma kg bu so lal ma pat thet nae po. thayan p aya thar khan p mha tar wun ma yu chin bu. thu toe family ko lone wa kyi ma ya bu. wine su ko main kha lay ta yout anay nae myin p pyaw tar thu bar pla fit khae fit khae lu thi shin kyar khoe pyay tar taw. tar wun yu thint ta;. HWY ko mone tal... asa tone ka nalnal like thay tal. acting ko pyaw tar akhu taw yone twar p

  54. hein wai yan amay ka taw taw soe lo kyr tal.... ta kal taw.. HWY ka tha nar sa yar tha nge lay ....d age mhar lote pain khwint ma shi tae actor fit nay tar tg mother gyi nae father gyi ka atin sote tin htar lo tae. magzine tawe ka nay khaw use chin tar ka sa thu mhar sone phyat paing khwint ma shi bu tae ... wine su nae case mhar thu d lo fit tar no suprise ..... yout ma hote bu lay hu ka.. i hate him....

  55. ဟား...ဟား... ရယ္ရတယ္... ေကာ္မန္ ့ေတြ ဖတ္ၿပီးေတာ့ မ်က္စိပါလည္သြားတယ္...

  56. Hey hein wai yan, fucking you, your mother, sister, father & all of your family. Come right now.'

  57. if u man u must meet to wine su . u fuck already right so why u hide u never shine,if me wyine su brother i kill already ,FUCKER .......

  58. I write this comment because I think it is not fair to blame everything to Hein Wai Yan.
    I believe people shouldn’t judge one sided.
    As a girl and her fan, I really feel sorry for Wine Su but I think Wine Su is also blame for her dishonesty.
    1. If you listen the recording carefully, you will know that Wine Su is the one who record this conversation. Why she need to record it? What is her purpose?
    2. Since she was recording the sound, she would speak politely. Don’t you think so?
    3. If they had already eloped, they would probably sign the marriage contract. Almost every couple does the same thing. E.g. we always see “Na Oo Ta Bal Tu Latt Htet Pee See Chin” in the newspaper.
    4. However, it seemed they broke up, which meant that Wine Su agreed to divorce Hein Wai Yan and get the compensation. If she chose love over money, she would never agree to divorce nor break up.
    5. Moreover, I heard the rumor that Wine Su used that money to produce her album named “Matt Lout Sayar”. I don’t know if it was true or not. But I was thinking why she remained silent for 3 years and why now spread this recording?
    6. Don’t you think this recording was probably from Wine Su’s side or herself in order to defame or revenge Hein Wai Yan?
    Of course, Hein Wai Yan was wrong too. He was a coward lover but he might be a good son for his parents. Just imagine as his place, if his mother was crying and hurting in front of him, how could he choose his lover over his mother? If you were him, which one are you going to choose? As a Buddhist, I would choose my parents over my lover. So, please don’t blame him too much.
    I agree that Hein Wai Yan’s father was wrong for accusing Wine Su to tempt his son. He shouldn’t tell like that. Since he also had daughter, he should be more considerate towards Wine Su. I think that is their biggest mistake. That’s all.
    Actually, I like both Wine Su Kaing Tein’s songs and Hein Wai Yan’s action. I respect their talent not their personal affair. I hope my Myanmar brothers and sisters should also feel the same way as mine. Thank you.

  59. မင္းတုိ္ ့ေတြကုိယ္ဘာသာကုိယ္ေနစမ္းပါငါလည္းေယာက္က်ားေလးဘဲဒါေပမဲ ့ကုိယ္ ့ဘာသာကုယ္ေနၾကတကယ္ဆုိရင္မိန္းကေလးဘက္ကနာရမွာသူကုိယ္တုိင္လဲးဘာမွမဟုတ္ဘူးဟိန္းေ၀ယံလည္းဘာမွမဟုတ္ဘူးမင္းတုိ ့ေတြကြာငါအခုေျပာတာေတြနားလည္စမ္းပါငါနဲ ့ေျပာခ်င္ရင္ ထဲးကုိ၀င္လာခဲ ့လုိက္ငါရွင္းျပမယ္

  60. မင္းတုိ ့ေတြကုိယ္ ့ဘာသာကုိယ္ေနၾကပါသူတုိ ့ေတြဘာပဲးျဖစ္ျဖစ္တကယ္ဆုိရင္မိန္းကေလးဘက္ကနာရမွာမင္းတုိ ့ေတြအဲဒီလုိမေျပာၾကနဲ ့သူတုိ ့လဲးသူတုိ ့အေၾကာင့္ေပါ့၀ုိင္စုခုိင္သိန္းနဲ ့ဟိန္းေ၀ယံကုိမေျပာၾကနဲ ့ကြာ

  61. မင္းတုိ ့အလုပ္မဟုတ္ဘူး

  62. ငါၾကိဳက္လုိ ့ေျပာေနတာမဟုတ္ဘူး

  63. သူတုိ ့ထိခုိက္တယ္

  64. ကိုၾကိဳက္တာကိုလုပ္ၾကကိုၾကိဳက္တဲ့ဟာကိုယူးၾကကိုယူတားဟားကိုဟားဘဲကိုၾကိဳက္ေနး၇င္းကိုဟားေလးကိုဘဲကိုဟာကိုတန္းဖိုးထားၾကဒါဘဲသူမ်ားဟာၾကီးကိုးကိုယ္ဟားၾကနဲ.လည္းကိုၾကိဳက္တာကိုယ္လုပ္လို.၇တယ္ေလးေနာ္ဒါေပမဲ့သူဟားၾကီးကိုကိုယ္ဟားၾကီးလည္းလုပ္လို.၇ပါတယ္............

  65. လံုး၀3ီေကာင့္ကိုသတ္သင့္တယ္

  66. hi wine su im sorry a bount that hain wai yang is so band and she dad and he dad is talk u anything

  67. im very sorry w s k t hein wai yang dad is talk u r not google girl and he son too r not go too what is that i dont no hwy dad is crazy
    have fun ok



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