Burmese-American Hollywood Actor, Adrian Zaw

Watch The Resistance Video on Youtube!!!

Adrian Zaw (or) Kyi Maung Zaw was Born on May 7th, 1984 in the tropical country side of Burma (Myanmar). Adrian Zaw made his journey to the United States in 1989 at age five, became a naturalized citizen and thus began his pursuit to achieve the All American Dream. Adrian Zaw began his formal acting training in 1997 at age thirteen, and took part in academic activities to hone his craft through the dramatic arts of Speech and Debate where he earned over 60 Awards in competition and earned the coveted titled of State Champion for the State of California for Dramatic Interpretation in 2001.

By age 20, Zaw transferred from the Pasadena City College to the University of Southern California where he received a full tuition to study Theatre. However, before his final year at the University he filed out to jump start his career. Ten months later he found himself holding an Emmy for Outstanding Broadband Drama of 2007 for a Web Series Project titled "Satacracy 88" where he played the character of "Ariel Zim". Since his departure from USC he's been a TV Correspondent for 7 Television Shows, and has earned over 40 Independent Film, Television, & Theatre Credits. Later on , he become a actor best known for his role of Syrus Primoris on the SyFy channel television series The Resistance, which is set to debut on the American television network, the SyFy channel, on October 4, 2010.

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  1. ျမန္မာလူမ်ိဳးထဲကေအာင္ျမင္ေက်ာ္ၾကားေနတာေတြ႕ရတာ၀မ္းသာပါတယ္ ဂုဏ္လည္းဂုဏ္ယူပါတယ္။

  2. အရမ္းဂုုဏ္ယူတယ္

  3. အရမ္းကိုဂုဏ္ယူ၀မ္းေၿမာက္၀မ္းသာပါတယ္။

  4. ဗမာျပည္မွာေနရင္ ဘာမွျဖစ္လာမွာ မဟုတ္ဘူး

  5. အ၇ပ္ နည္းနည္းရွည္၇င္ အတုိင္းထက္လြန္ပဲကြာ..

  6. I am proud of u. U showed us that we can success if we have desire. Nowadays, most of myanmar celebrities want short-term popularity by showing their beauty,dress and body. Moreover,they are copying other's own style form other country. As far as i know, they don't want to concentrate on promoting their professional skill. I used to be disappointed whenever i watch today's myanmar movie. I can accept poor technology such as camera,sound system and film movie effects but I can't be patient poor acting skill, poor plot, poor script and poor editing. Therfore,I haven't watched myanmar movies except old classic movies. I hope u would provide our myanmar film production field in the future.

  7. in hollywood,, natalise who is lady singer and actoress she also famous ,,, christy pe she is burmese german model girl now in new york ,,,, now adrian zaw ,,, i thought u already watched the movies which name is charle angels ,, u can see burmese name ,,, khin kyaw maung or khin maung kyaw but exactly i forget it,,,



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