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Exclusive Video: Wedding of Bridal & Bliss Fashion Show, Yangon
Video ON Youtube!!! Video on Blogger!!! This is a video of "Wedding of Bridal & Bliss" Fashion Show which was held on June 7, 2010 at the Traders Hotel, Yangon...
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These all tapes are invaluable for us and need to keep it for the rest of our life and our generation. Thank you so much Admin, this is the first time I heard clearly our father's voice and speech. RIP...
Thank you very very much, admin. I watch this, & I do Cry. It make me hate Tan Shwe & his follower. I respect General Aung San & other leaders (who are not in this world) so much!
ReplyDeleteတိုင္းျပည္နွင့္လူမ်ိဳးအတြက္အသက္ေပးသြားေသာ က်ဆံုးေလျပီးေသာ
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ႈI want to say to all you to pass about General Aung San to our net generation & tell them to pass it to their next generation and so..on. I am very afraid that our next generation will forget about our Father general Aung San and other leaders as well.
Thank you very much, again for posting this!!!
ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းနွင့္အာဇာနည္ေခါင္းေဆာင္မ်ားအားအေလးျပဳပါဧ။္ တိုင္းျပည္ကိုခ်စ္ေသာ ဗိုလ္ခ်ုဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းႏွင့္ အာဇာနည္ေခါင္းေဆာင္မ်ား ေကာင္းရာမြန္ရာဘ၀ေရာက္ပါေစ။
ReplyDeletecheers admin, this is a very first time I have a chance to listen our father's voice and speeches. It's really touch my heart. I reckon our father General Aung San told us what's going to happen in Burma now (Phatheir-country) Sorry about spelling
ReplyDeleteဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ဆိုတာ ဘယ္လိုလူမ်ဳိးလဲ ?? ခင္ဗ်ားလဲ သိတယ္ ကြ်န္ေတာ္လဲသိတယ္ ဘယ္သူေတြ ဘယ္လိုဖ်က္ဖ်က္ မပ်က္ေတာ့တဲ့ သစၥာ တရား တစ္ခုလိုပါဘဲ ။ ယံုလိုက္ ကမာၻေျမျပင္သာ ပ်က္စီးသြားပါမယ္ ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ ဆိုတာ တေနရာမွာတည္တံ့ေနတဲ့ ထာ၀ရတည္ရွိေနမယ္ ေ၀ါဟာရတစ္ခုဘဲ ။
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