Video: LA Myanmar's Musical Evening, 3 Sep 2011

Here are some videos from "Los Angeles Myanma Musical Evening" Concert which was held on 3th September 20114 at East Garvey Ave Monterey Park, CA, United States of America. Myanmar former famous singers; Daw Mar Mar Aye and Thein Tan (Myanmar Pyi) performed for this concert. The Singers are currently living in U.S.A.

Los Angeles ျမန္မာ့ဂီတ ညေနဆည္းဆာ  ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲ

Thein Tan (Myanmar Pyi) @ "Los Angeles Myanma Musical Evening" Concert

Thein Tan (Myanmar Pyi) @ "Los Angeles Myanma Musical Evening" Concert

Thein Tan (Myanmar Pyi) @ "Los Angeles Myanma Musical Evening" Concert

Thein Tan (Myanmar Pyi) @ "Los Angeles Myanma Musical Evening" Concert

Thein Tan (Myanmar Pyi) @ "Los Angeles Myanma Musical Evening" Concert

Video from Soe San Photo's Youtube Channel.

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  1. စိတ္ပ်က္စရာေကာင္းလိုက္တာ ဒီအသံ ဒီဆိုပံု နဲ႕ဆို ျမန္မာျပည္မျပန္တာပဲ ေကာင္းတယ္ ဘယ္သူမွ သေဘာက်မွာမဟုတ္ေတာ့ဘူး စိတ္ပိန္လိုက္တာ

  2. ဆက္လက္အားေပးေနပါတယ္။ ကိုသိန္းတန္ ခင္ဗ်ာ။

  3. hjk khin myar!
    u kaw SONE TAW MYAING so tae song ko U Thein Tan lo so tat par tha lar khin myarr?

  4. Don't b negative. some people like this kind of music.

  5. I like all of your songs and wishing all the best for your future.



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