Daw Aung San Suu Kyi & Celebrities Confort Fire Victims
Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi comforts fire victims at a relief building in Mingala Taung Nyunt township of eastern Yangon suburb in Myanmar Friday, Dec. 30, 2011. A fire followed by several explosions engulfed state warehouses and neighboring homes in Myanmar's main city of Yangon on Thursday (Dec. 29 2011). Myanmar Celebrities; Min Maw Kon, Khant Si Thu, Rzarni, Tun Eaindra Bo, Hein Wai Yan, Rebacca Win, Wyne Su Khine Thine and others also conforts and meets with fire victims on the same day (Dec. 30, 2011).
Photos from AP/Khin Maung Win and 7 Day News.
ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ႏွင့္ ျမန္မာ အႏုပညာရွင္မ်ား မီးေဘးသင့္ ျပည္သူေတြ႔ကို
ေတြ႔ဆံု အားေပး
Photos from AP/Khin Maung Win and 7 Day News.
I hate the last 2nd one photo
ReplyDeleteMa shi tae pyi thu tway doe kha york nay tae
pyi thu tay shay mhar Hand bag tway nae lat pya nay tae pon san ka .. ma shi tae thu tway sate hte`mar bal lo khan sar ya shar ma lel ? thu doe ko wine p tot nyayy ya dal .. tanar phoe kg dal .. Bal lan mhar bal lo wit ya sar ya mal mae ma thi tae thu tway ..
Why are the celebrities smiling at them? I don't think it is very appropriate to smile, they should rather comfort them rather than smiling? I don't understand and I don't praise them. Newmoon, you are right, they were wearing fake asian burberry and holding LV bags in front of them like they are so rich, and showing their wealth. God damn, these people are out of their minds. Thank you DASSK, your photos seem the best, you really cared about them without expensive hand bags and clothings. A+++, you are the true star!!!
ReplyDeleteဆင္းရဲသားေတြ ဆီကို ဒီလိုပံုစံမ်ိဳးေတြနဲ ့လာရေအာင္..ဘာလဲဟ.လာႀကြားတာလား.. ႏိုင္ငံမွာ ဆင္းရဲ ခ်မ္းသာ ကြာ ျခားမွဳကိုလာျပတာလား..သူမ်ားေတြမွာ ထမင္းတလုပ္ စားရဖို ့မနဲရုန္းကန္ေနရတာ.. မင္းတို ့က အဖိုးတန္ အသံုးအေဆာင္ေတြနဲ ့.. ေအးကြာ .ငါ negative သမားေတာ့မျဖစ္ခ်င္ပါဘူး..ဒါေပမဲ့စိတ္မေကာင္းဘူးကြာ..
ReplyDeleteI can say first hand that it would have been insulting and patronizing to dress 'down' . Their outfits are right on the mark. These victims know they are 'actors'. They know they have money.They know their circumstances in life are opposite to where they are right now. If they showed up in anything other than what 'actors' would normally wear I can tell you these people would not be impressed or whatever.
ReplyDeleteYou haters need to get a life and start learning to see things in a proper way.
ReplyDeleteThere is a time and a place for the actors to dress in their fine clothes and to carry their designer handbags on their arms. The victims have recently lost everything and their situation will not change upon seeing these actors in their fine attire.
The previous comments are neither made out of hatred nor jealousy. They were derived from the actors' lack of consideration and appreciation for the victims' situation.
Oh dear. You surely want this to go oh-so-far, don't you?
ReplyDeleteIn all fairness, I might admit my last line was somewhat harsh. That being said, I'm sticking to my point which is that there's nothing wrong with dressing "up" because they're "actors" and that all the fuss about "actors" dressing "up" because they're in the public eye is utterly not so necessary. I mean what else would you suggest they wear? We all know they have money.
And here comes the irony. How will you feel if you happen to be one of those victims and those people who come into the room to cheer you up, make you feel better or help you look just like you, dress "down" and "poor"? Again, they're public persons.
Anyway,it's weird enough for me to comment here in the first place. I just commented as I don't want to see people being (youknowwhat). If you still don't get the irony behind my comment, tough.
By the way, Happy New Years and may you learn to write better.
Mate, neither I nor anyone else mentioned that the actors should dress down like plebs you pillock. If you would spare your eyes from looking deep into the ostensibly intricately designed crevasses of your own arse for one sixtieth of a minute (that’s one second to you love), your eyes will undoubtedly meander across the obvious; they’re not dressed up. They’re dressed up to the bloody nines and that’s just patronising. End of. Also, whilst I’ve neatly brought you straight to the topic of patronising stuff, let us explore this a little further; just like you did inside the troughs of your rectal cavity. Very transparent, you are, trying to have your cake and eat all up at the same time. There your sit on your high horse of moral conviction, asserting your views here against your self-proclaimed better judgement, and then having satisfied your ego of dispensing the “last word,” assume an innocent figurative countenance. Mate, if you’re going to sound like a wanker, then have the decency to grow a pair of balls of considerable weight and stop being Janis. You patronising little git. Oh wait…no…shit. Oh no, does this mean that you’ve just entered into an online argument with a complete stranger???? Fuck, if you try and come back to me, then surely you’ll be proving how hypocritically pretentious and up your own arse you are. That would make things beyond the level of “irony” and march right into fucking Catch-22 territory. If you don’t understand this last comment, then maybe you should stop trying to be a ‘better writer’ and become a better reader. So shut up, man up and piss off.
ReplyDeleteoh yeah? haha. none other feeling could top the joy i'm having right now. victory over making some random bloke feel nasty. way to go buddy. hey but don't you forget to be polite and say thank you to whoever it is that helped you with the wording of ur made-entire-out- of-thesaurus lines. who helped you try to write better for who knows how long. nice try though. i admit i'm speechless. literally lost for words. anyway, being a better writer means writing something that people understand. u don't need to use "big" words. big words don't impress me much. sorri. u will learn to understand that when u can finally manage to read virginia woolf's books or any other real literature. in the meanwhile, poor u will have to depend on thesaurus. seems like u have the guts. i'm sure u'll learn soon and i wish it'll be real soon dear. don't forget to say thank your helpful frd. and u don't have to thank me. but u're welcome. enjoy...
ReplyDeleteၿပည္သူ႔ရဲ႔အေမစု...ပူေလာင္ေနေသာရင္မ်ားကို ေအးခ်မ္းေစႏိုင္မည့္ ေမတၱာဂရုဏာရွင္..
ReplyDeleteေလာဘ၊ေဒါသ၊ေမာဟ မီးမ်ားလဲၿငိမ္းႏိုုင္ပါေစ
ReplyDeleteI did see the whole even from my home...it was a disaster and I'm to very sad for those who died on the spot and who are injured.
ReplyDeleteour first lady...you're a role model for us Myanmar...you always look very graceful and I can see you're hurt too.
Different people show sympathy with different styles. So I appreciate everyone who donated and shows sympathy.
Vera and people who made comments above,
ReplyDeleteThe one who is wearing big LV bag is not even an actress. She is the owner of Art man Media Group and Popular Journal. Please look at Htun Eindra Bo, One (Rzarni's wife) and Min Maw Khun's wife. They all are not overdressed. The same goes for Chit Sanow Oo and Aye Myat Thu. It is only Rebecca Win who was wearing Burberry shirt and small LV bags. I feel that most actors and actresses have toned down, especially actors.
Vera and people who made comments above,
ReplyDeleteThe one who is wearing big LV bag is not even an actress. She is the owner of Art man Media Group and Popular Journal. Please look at Htun Eindra Bo, One (Rzarni's wife) and Min Maw Khun's wife. They all are not overdressed. The same goes for Chit Sanow Oo and Aye Myat Thu. It is only Rebecca Win who was wearing Burberry shirt and small LV bags. I feel that most actors and actresses have toned down, especially actors.
အေမစုပဲ ေႏြးေႏြးေထြးေထြးရွိတယ္..က်န္တာေတြကဟန္ေရးလာျပတာလား.. ဓာတ္ပံုဆရာကပဲသူတို႔ေတြလူေတြကိုအားေပးေနတုန္းကဓာတ္ပံုမရိုက္လိုက္မိတာလား..